Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hate less, love more.

Out of those things, I'm thinking I need to do basically all of them. Most importantly, I'll try to whine less, and hate less. And hopefully good things will be mine.

"Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours." - Swedish Proverb 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Be honest.

Please be honest to your important ones. It's beauty.

Romance - Pretty self explanatory. Be honest. Honesty is so hard, at least for me. But after all, don't you just feel a lot better when you don't have to lie/hide about everything? I used to lie my butt off with my ex's. When I thought I have everything in control and I'm just so happy playing around, I was wrong. Now I'm completely honest in my relationship and I feel so good. How could I lie to someone I love? How could you? If that someone is worth it, then please give your vary best and stay completely honest.

Friend - Once I asked my friend, "how important am I to you?" "very," she replied. Then [some story happened]. I don't know what you usually mean when you say someone is important to you, but if I say it, I mean it. Important at a good way, important in my mind, life, and action. And I would give you my respect. Please be honest when you say things to a real friend and act on it, because maybe that person would be the one to help you when you're down. But friends do come and go, and why waste time at someone that's not worth it. So now we're just normal acquittance, in my opinion.

“Honest hearts produce honest actions.” - Brigham Young

“Honesty: The best of all the lost arts” - Mark Twain